Thursday, April 30, 2020
Friday 1st May
Good afternoon Class 6!
Sorry it's a bit later today. A video I recorded for you took over an hour to upload 😴.
What do you think of the Highwayman? I'd love to know your thoughts on it.
Here are your tasks for Friday:
Friday 1st May
How is it May already!? SATs are only 2 weeks away 😱.....oh....wait 😂 Hands up if you want to do SATs week anyway?!?!? ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋ I'll warm the photocopier up 😜.
And, as promised, here are the first few chapters of Holes for you. Sorry parents, it's not quite Tom Hardy reading this story but I'm sure the kids won't mind 😆
Holes - Chapters 1 - 4
I'll try to get more chapters up over the weekend so keep watching 👀.
I've had some more photos of your great work in this afternoon. I'll get them on here first thing Friday morning! See you then!
Mr Hayden
This Just in
I've just received an update from James.
Here's another pet that doesn't approve of their owner doing work:
Photo time!
Morning everyone!
It's photo time again. I've had a few of you sending in some more great work that you've been doing at home.
As well as doing her Science experiment, Daisy created a board game to play with her brother. She says Jamie lost in 5 minutes...I wonder if you told him all the rules, Daisy? 😅
Here are Lottie's excellent paper planes. You've done an amazing job here, Lottie! Which one flew the furthest?
I can't decide if Phoebe is showing Alfie her amazing maths work...or asking him to do it for her 😂. Either way it's great to see you both working so hard, Phoebe! Alfie was also wondering when the Facetime with Inka is starting, Freddie? Watch out, Alfie, Inka had an eye on Marble and Smudge 👀
This is Poppy's quidditch work. She spent a lot of time researching quidditch using a qudditch rule book. Top work, Poppy! Also, I love the fact you included the teachers in this. It really made me laugh reading it 😂
Poppy and her guinea pigs have a message for me as well....
Well, I'm sorry that Harriet hasn't been set much work to do. She must be getting bored I'll happily do some for her if she likes? 😀.
Remember all, these activities that are being set are not the same as homework. They are suggestions for work and activities that you might like to do to help you to structure your day. Do as much as you feel able to do. Whatever you achieve on any day is okay.
Here's Henry out for a walk. He and his dad decided to see how far they could walk down the stream that they came across. How far did you manage to get? That looks like a really nice walk, Henry. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm also glad that you wore your worst clothing that you don't mind throwing away when you get home 😜.
And here's Taya looking very pleased with her maths. Fantastic work, Taya, keep it up! Also a lovely message in the background that is well worth remembering during this tricky time. I hope that you enjoyed your birthday yesterday!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Thursday 30th April
Hi Class 6.
Hope you're all getting on okay this week.
Here are your tasks for the day tomorrow:
Thursday 30th April
The focus in English is changing to one of my favourite poems - The Highwayman. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Archbishop Justin Welby is holding a nation wide assembly today at 10 am. You can find the assembly on So watch, enjoy and send in your thoughts if you would like to.
Also, there has been a winner in the book vote...and the winner was....
Keep an eye out for the first few chapters soon!
Happy birthday!
Hi everyone! There are some birthdays that need celebrating!
Here is a photo and a message that Grace has just sent in:
Dear Mr Hayden
It is my dad's birthday today so yesterday I baked a chocolate cake - his favourite! I added a few strawberries for some of my 5 - a day!!
My cat, Toffee, is a bit sad at the moment because he had an accident and has a fracture so has to be in lockdown for 2 weeks! I think he has an eye on the cake though :-)
Happy birthday Mr Kennelly! Grace, that cake looks incredible! I'm sorry Toffee has hurt his leg 😭. I hope he feels better soon and makes a speedy recovery so he can get out and about again. I don't blame him for having an eye on that cake. He's not the only one 👀. I might have to stop by on my way home for a slice 😂.
Also, Mr Kennelly isn't the only person with a birthday today....
I know having a birthday in lockdown can't be much fun but I'm sure all of you in Class 6 join me in wishing Taya a happy birthday and I hope that you have a good day today.
We've missed some birthdays too and for that, I'm really sorry.
So Happy birthday to Ella whose birthday was on the 26th April. I hope you enjoyed your day. I'm sure there was cake involved.
And Happy birthday to James whose birthday was on the 8th April. I'd love to know what you all got up to on your birthdays so do email in and let me know and share some pictures for the blog!
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Wednesday 29th April
Good afternoon Class 6!
We've sent across your care home letters and the residents absolutely loved receiving them. Look out for a letter from Mr Staley in the future where he'll tell you what they said.
With that, if anyone who hasn't yet sent across a letter wants to then we'll send them on as soon as you get them to the office.
Here are your tasks for Wednesday: (I know the date is wrong but the work is right. Sorry! It's a pdf and very tricky to change 🙈)
Wednesday 29th April
I hope that you enjoyed the experiment with ice cubes. Next you'll be experimenting with paper aeroplanes. Make sure you send across any photos that you take.
So far there have been 18 responses to which book you'd like to hear. Make sure you vote if you haven't yet!
Have a great day.
Mr Hayden
Monday, April 27, 2020
Tuesday 28th April
Hi Class 6!
Hope you all had a good day today.
Here are your tasks for tomorrow:
Tuesday 28th April
Have a great day and don't forget to vote on which book you would like to hear!
Mr Hayden
Good afternoon, Class 6.
Hope you're all okay today. I said yesterday about having a question to ask you and you can find it below. I thought it would be easy if I sent you a video so click on the link
Video Question
Then answer the question in the survey below:
If something doesn't quite work the way that it should, let me know.
Mr Hayden
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Monday 27th April
Good afternoon Class 6!
I hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine this weekend! 🌞😎
Sorry to spoil it with work 😴
Here are you tasks for Monday:
Monday 27th April
Also, here are your spellings for the week. As they are homophones and near homophones, it might make sense to find out their meanings as your first activity!
Have a great Monday!
I'll have a question for you later on Monday that I would like you all to answer so keep an eye on the blog 👀
Mr Hayden
Friday, April 24, 2020
Homework Responses
So, as well as Bianca suggesting in the comments that homework might not be a great idea, Freddie and Inka have something to say about it too...
I guess I won't be setting homework then 😅.
Beau's been hard at work this week. She's sent in two pictures. The first is of her enjoying some mindfulness time. The weather looks lovely and I hope you enjoyed playing on that swing you found! The other is of some work she did advertising Cheltenham. Top work, Beau! Very persuasive and a great advert for our amazing town.
Grace, I also worked out why I couldn't upload your's because I wasn't patient enough 🙈.
Here's Grace's amazing video of her making an upcycled bag:
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Friday 24th April
Me again!
Here's your final work for the week!
Friday 24th April
I've been wondering I still set homework?😁
I hope you've enjoyed learning all about World War 2 this week. That time in history was very unusual for children and I'm sure that you can relate to some of how they were feeling now!
This week our friends from Open the book have a new story for you called: Storm on the Lake.
You can find it here: Storm on the Lake
I know that you've all been very concerned with my safety and I appreciate that but I just wanted to reassure you all that I'm well covered at home:
I've got Marble keeping an eye out from the front window.
And Smudge is making sure everything is safe out the back. So thanks for worrying about me but I'm well protected 😂😾😼😸
Working Hard
Afternoon everyone!
I've had some more emails from you to show me how hard you've been working and I've got to say, I'm very impressed at how creative you all are.
Here's Kashyap working away at his Maths work on Raito and proportion. Keep up the hard work, Kashyap! 💪
Just make sure you check through the answers and do any corrections as I spotted a couple of questions to work on in the other photos you sent 👀
Bianca has been doing some mindfulness colouring with the help of Rio. She says that he sat on the edge of the page and wouldn't move so she could turn the page. You might say he wouldn't budgie.....😂😂😂🙈. He then started nipping at the edge of the page which is apparently one of his favourite things to do 🙈. You may not have found it relaxing, Bianca, but I'm sure Rio did 🐦.
Here's Daisy who has been busy making mud pies! A lovely idea for some time in the sun. Although they look delicious, Daisy, I might stick to doughnuts! She's also been working hard on her maths work - great to see so many correct you even need me to teach you? 😂😬😭
And finally she tells me that her nanny has been making scrubs bags for nurses so Daisy made some rainbow notes to go in with them. So thoughtful of you, Daisy. I'm sure all the nurses will love getting your supportive messages!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Thursday 23rd April
Good afternoon everyone!
Thank you to those who have already sent a letter into the office. If you are writing one please make sure they are emailed over by Friday!
Here are your tasks for tomorrow:
Thursday 23rd April
Have a great day!
Mr Hayden
Pets at work Pupdate
It's been good to see some of you and your pets hard at work. Here are what I've been sent so far:
Here are Dylan and Foxy on their daily exercise. Dylan is showing Foxy all the key landmarks in Cheltenham - a great Geography field trip!
Here is Inka checking over Freddie's Home Learning for me. Or is it some classic, my dog ate my homework? 😏😂 Freddie also tells me that Inka has been eyeing up Marble and Smudge on the blog and saying that they look particularly delicious. I say - paws off, Inka!
And here are Poppy and Pippy hard at work at home. It's good to know you've got someone there as smart as me to help you with your homework - thanks Pippy! 😉
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Wednesday 22nd April
Afternoon everyone!
Hope you all managed to work out my deliberate maths mistake from yesterday 😬.
I've checked today's tasks and they should be okay.
Here they are:
Wednesday 22nd April
Remember, if you don't have a protractor at home, I have put some in the school office for you to borrow. Stop by on your daily walk to pick one up if you need one.
Mr Hayden
Tuesday 21st Maths Update
Sorry everyone!
Not sure how that happened but I put the same work on as yesterday.
Please find the updated work here:
Watch the video of week 2 lesson 2 it about ratio and proportion problems.
Then answer the questions on the worksheet
Here are the answers.
Sorry again! least you already knew all the answers 🙈
Community Outreach
Good morning Class 6,
In school, we’ve been talking about ways in which we might
help others in the community. As you may have seen on the news, many care homes
across the country have had to close their doors to visitors to help to protect
the people staying there. This means that the residents can’t have visitors as
they normally would. We thought it might be nice if they received a letter to
help to cheer them up.
Therefore we are asking everyone in the juniors to write a
letter to the residents of the Bay Tree Care Home. We are starting with classes
5 and 6. We have emailed your mums and dads with who we would like you to write
to. In your letter we would like you to think about including the following
An introduction to
who you are
- Age
- Who you live with
- Interests/hobbies
-What you enjoy at school
- What have you been during so far during lockdown?
- How do you feel about it?
Find out about the person you are writing to:
- What did they do as a job?
- Who is in their family?
- What interests do they have?
Make sure that you do not include the following
- Your surname
- Your address
- Any information that may be too personal (telephone
numbers, email addresses etc.)
When you have completed your letter, get an adult to
check it and then please send it in to the school office using
and we will make sure that The Bay Tree Care home receive it.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Tuesday 21st April
Hi everyone!
Hope you all enjoyed the new Home Learning tasks for Monday.
Remember, if you want to send any photos in of you (or your pets - definitely pets) working hard so that I can add them to the blog, then please send them to the email address included in the document.
Here are the tasks for Tuesday.
Tuesday 21st April
Have a great day,
Mr. Hayden
Monday 20th April
Hi Class 6!
Hope you're rested after the Easter break and are ready for some more Home Learning!
Mr Staley sent you a letter on Friday telling you about the new way we're doing Home Learning.
So here are your tasks for today:
Monday 20th April
And here are your spellings for the week:
I hope you have fun learning all about World War 2 this week in our afternoon tasks!
Marble and Smudge are all rested after Easter and already back to work:
I left Marble doing some reading...
And Smudge is doing some important research....
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Letters to Buddies
Hi everyone!
Hope you're all having a lovely Easter. There's been plenty of sunshine for spending time in the garden or for any walking or cycling you may have done. I hope the Easter bunny was kind to you and brought you lots of chocolate (thank you Grace for my egg! You know I love a KitKat chunky!)
I've just had this letter in the post at school which has made my day.
What a lovely and thoughtful idea Kitty has had. She has written a letter to her Buddy in Red Class! I'm sure that this will cheer Lilly up to know that her buddy is still looking out for her even when we're not in school!
Kitty, I have found Lilly's address for you, have written it on the letter and have posted it so it should be with Lilly soon.
If you would like to send your buddy a letter like Kitty to see how they are and encourage them during this difficult time, then send it to me at school in an envelope with a stamp on (like Kitty has) with your buddy's first name and surname. I will address it and post it for you. If you don't know their surname, I can find that out too.
When there's so much bad news and so many sad events happening in the country and in the wider world, it's things like this that really help to cheer people up and make them smile. You've done that for me, Kitty, and you will no doubt do that for Lilly too. What a kind, caring and thoughtful person you are - well done!
Friday, April 3, 2020
Upcycling Update
It's been great to see how hard you've all been working on your upcycling task!
Here are some more of the photos that you have sent in:
First up we have Daisy who has used a cheese grater and
re-purposed it to become a utensil holder. Very creative!
I like the handle so that it can be used anywhere around
the kitchen!
Here is Poppy. Poppy turned some every day items around the house into a basketball game. What I love about this is that she has incorporated the bin into her design, making tidying up fun! I'm sure she and Harriet will now help to make sure everywhere is super tidy!
Next is William. Here we can see him using old bicycle parts to make a key ring. This is such an imaginative use of spare parts! Great job, William!
And the final example in the update is Grace who has taken an old t-shirt and mad it into a bag! Very stylish!
Not only that but she made an amazing video of the process! She has shown brilliant design and making skills but also incredible computing skills too. Amazing work, Grace. Keep it up!
(The blog wouldn't allow me to upload it. I'll keep working on it!)
Friday 3rd April
Morning everyone!
Happy Friday!
Here are your tasks for today. I hope that you enjoy the video about The Little Shoe Maker.
Friday 3rd April
Hope you're all behaving yourselves at home! I wonder if we should do a parents' evening (or should that be a teacher evening 😏) where I can ask mums and dads how well you're getting on in school and whether you're behaving yourself and putting your hand up to answer questions 😁.
Also here is today's story from Open the Book:
Down Through the Roof
This week our Open the Book friends tell the next story, 'Down Through the Roof'. This would be great to watch when you're resting after you have completed the Joe Wicks workout!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
I won't be setting work over the Easter period but there will be some activities being sent out by Mr Staley that you might like to do to keep yourselves entertained and out of trouble.
Although I won't be setting work, keep sending your photos in and I'll get them published on the blog when I can.
Marble and Smudge have an Easter message for you:
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Here is Dylan's excellent example of upcycling! You can see he started with some basic materials and made himself a brand new place mat. I love the clever use of brand logos as well as the simple, yet effective, use of stencilling with the clever message, 'Enjoy brother'.
A great effort Dylan, top work! 👍👏👏💪
I have had a few more photos through but due to a technical hitch, they haven't arrived properly when forwarded from the office. We will get that fixed so I can share more of your great work soon!
P.S. I've just worked out how to publish comments 🤔🤦♂️. So if you've commented in the past, I have replied. Sorry it took so long.
Thursday 2nd April
Good morning everyone!
Hope you're all okay. School isn't the same without you all here 😥
Here are your tasks for today:
Thursday 2nd April
It's all about recycling, upcycling and plastic pollution in the oceans.
Have a great day today!
Mr Hayden.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Wednesday 1st April
Good morning Class 6!
Here are your tasks for the day:
Today's Tasks
Hope you're all working hard and helping your parents out when you can.
After you've finished your work today, is there anything that you can do to help? Do the washing up? Tidy your room? Do the vacuuming? Do something nice 💪🙌🙌😇
Have a great day today! Nearly the Easter break!
Mr Hayden.
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Friday 25th March
Good Morning, It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today: Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...
Good afternoon Class 6! Sorry it's a bit later today. A video I recorded for you took over an hour to upload 😴. What do you think...
Hi Class 6! Here are your tasks for today: There is so much that y...
Me again! Here's your final work for the week! Friday 24th April I've been wondering I still set homework?😁 ...