Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Community Outreach

Good morning Class 6,

In school, we’ve been talking about ways in which we might help others in the community. As you may have seen on the news, many care homes across the country have had to close their doors to visitors to help to protect the people staying there. This means that the residents can’t have visitors as they normally would. We thought it might be nice if they received a letter to help to cheer them up.

Therefore we are asking everyone in the juniors to write a letter to the residents of the Bay Tree Care Home. We are starting with classes 5 and 6. We have emailed your mums and dads with who we would like you to write to. In your letter we would like you to think about including the following things:

An introduction to who you are
- Age
- Who you live with
- Interests/hobbies
-What you enjoy at school

- What have you been during so far during lockdown?
- How do you feel about it?

Find out about the person you are writing to:
- What did they do as a job?
- Who is in their family?
- What interests do they have?

Make sure that you do not include the following
- Your surname
- Your address
- Any information that may be too personal (telephone numbers, email addresses etc.)

When you have completed your letter, get an adult to check it and then please send it in to the school office using adminsec@holyapostles.gloucs.sch.uk and we will make sure that The Bay Tree Care home receive it.   

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