Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monday 1st March

 Good morning everyone! 

I hope that you had a good weekend. Here is an Open the Book assembly for you

Here are your tasks for the day: 


Complete 2 reading challenges on Reading Plus


Here are this week's spellings. Complete Look, Cover, Write, Check. 

English Task 

This week we are beginning a new unit on suspense writing. I think you're going to enjoy this one a lot! 

We are going to begin by looking at a text called 'The Nightmare Man' 

Read the text and answer the following questions: 

How does the story make you feel? 
Does that change throughout? 
What words or phrases make you feel that way?

This is an example of a suspense text which is the type of writing we are going to be looking at for the next 2 weeks. The next thing I would like for you to do is to read it again and think about what features help to build the suspense and tension. You could think about: word choices, length of sentences, how the reader's feelings change over time in the story, phrases that the author uses any punctuation the author uses to help create suspense. Annotate (make notes) on your copy, underlining any important parts. 

Then there is a graph that I would like for you to complete. Read the story again. For every paragraph, put a cross at how scary, tense or suspenseful you think that the paragraph is. Then join the points to make a line graph to show how the suspense changes over the course of the story. 

WALT: Explore suspense texts 


Compete in Times Tables Rock Stars for as long as you can! 

Today we are continuing to look at the area of triangles. 

Here is a video to watch

Here is your worksheet

The answers are here 

There are some further challenges for you if you need them. 

WALT: Calculate the area of any triangle 


We are going to carry on looking at World War II today. 

I can't tell you too much about this lesson just yet...and I'll explain why in the Zoom meeting! 

Here is a PowerPoint created by Miss Percival. Read it carefully and answer the questions as you go. 

The evidence photos are here

The map is here

WALT: Understand the impact of World War II


Today we are going to continue with our work from last week looking at pressure groups. Last week you created a pitch to the government, persuading them to give you money to support your cause. 

Today I would like for you to write a speech to government asking for their help. 

An effective, persuasive speech includes the following: 

  • Information about your cause - who you are, what you do and how you help people 
  • Facts about the cause - reasons why people/animals/ the environment need help
  • Persuasive language including modal verbs adverbs of possibility and powerful language which could be good use of adjectives, verbs and adverbs or use of figurative language like we've been using in our poetry. 
  • Be presented with feeling - show that you care! 
I would like for you to write your speech and then record yourself giving it! You can send it in or have somebody at home watch it to tell you what they think of it. 

WALT: Write a persuasive speech 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Maths Challenge

 Hi everyone! 

I'm having a couple of emails saying that you're finding the maths tricky today. That's okay, it's meant to be!! 

Here's a good place to start: 

Look at the pane of glass that costs £150 and the pane that costs £140. 

Think about what is the same and what is different - hint - the perimeter is the same for both...but what about the area? 

What does this tell you about how much each square of glass costs? 

Once you know how much each square of glass costs, you can work out how much the whole area costs! 

Then, once you know this, you can work out how much the frame (or perimeter) costs and work out how much each square of frame costs!  

That's a lot of information but if you work through it carefully, and make notes at each stage, you should be able to make a good start on this problem! 

Good luck! 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Friday 26th February

Morning everyone! 

Here are your Friday tasks: 

Wellbeing Activity 

Your parents have been sent an email from Miss Johnson asking about your wellbeing during lockdown. There are also some questions for you to answer. I would like for you to complete that activity and send it back in so that we can see how you all are ready for when we all get back on 8th March. 


Get ready for a test! 


The best time of the week. Grab that book, get comfy and get reading! Add it to your World Book Day tally as well for a cheeky bit of extra time! 

English task

Today you are going to be writing your poems. Remember, they need to be in 3 parts - pre pandemic, during lockdown and post pandemic. 

Think about all of the elements that we have been discussing over the week. Include figurative language to send messages of difficulty and life not being as good as it could be before the pandemic, how things changed during lockdown and hopes for the future! 

I love reading children's poetry because children are often so much more imaginative than grown ups! 

Here are your success criteria 

WALT: Write a narrative poem 

  • I have used figurative language throughout my poem 
  • I have chosen words and phrases carefully to send a message
  • The feeling in my poem changes throughout 
  • I have used rhyming in the style of 'The Great Realisation' 

Maths Task 

Today you are going to be continuing with Miss Percival's problem solving challenges. The challenge is here

Remember to use the stages of thinking that we spoke about last half term. There is a reminder here

Miss Johnson's Friday Gratefuls

Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.


This half term we are going to be learning about the story of Easter and discussing Jesus' resurrection.

Begin by watching this video 

Having watched this video, put the events in the correct order on this sheet. If you are not sure, watch the video again and make some brief notes to help you. 

Check the answers here.


Music appreciation - listen to Eloise and Finn's music appreciation today and think about why you appreciate their choices. 

Here are the Youtube links (try to listen to it and not watch it!):
Eloise: Eloise
Finn:  Finn

BBC KS2 Music
Treasure Island 

Listen to/Watch the story in Episode 4, then learn the song, 'Jimmy Be Good'

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Thursday 24th February

Good morning everyone! 

Here is an iSingPop assembly for you: assembly

The password is: palmsunday


Complete any reading challenges you have not yet completed and then play some of the skills games. 

Spelling task 

Use each of the spellings in a sentence. 

English Task 

Today we are going to begin planning our own poem that will reflect how we feel about what has happened in the last 12 months. 

In order to help you plan this I would like for you to look at this planning sheet and fill in the table with ideas for your stanzas. 

WALT: Plan a narrative poem

Maths Task 

Plat Times Tables Rock Stars for at least 15 minutes! 

Here is a video for you to watch. 

Your worksheet is here

Here are the answers

There are some further challenges here if you need them.

WALT: Calculate the area of a triangle 


This half term we are going to be looking at light and shadow. To do this, we are going to be using our scientific knowledge to solve a crime!! 

Here are the details of the crime: 

Burglary Reported! 

At approximately 10.40 on the morning of 12th April the laptop of Sally Bircumshaw, teacher of Physics at West Hollow Secondary School, was stolen from her classroom, complete with password.

Ms Bircumshaw expressed concern that her laptop contained detailed notes on an upcoming publication that she fears was the motivation for the theft. She explained that her ‘encrypted’ password was hidden high on the wall behind books on a shelf, but that the books had been moved, leading her to believe that the password was seen by the thief.

CCTV shows the suspect dressed in a t-shirt and jeans with a hat covering their head. A clear identification cannot be made. The suspect’s t-shirt and trousers appeared to change colour depending on the camera used. Witnesses describe the clothes as turquoise, yellow and bright pink at various times.

Witness sightings of the suspect’s shadow suggest they were anything from 5ft 11 to 9ft 8. One witness said that they saw an odd shape on the shadow,which they described as being the shape of a car ‘rear view’ mirror on a stick, but are not sure.

We have CCTV footage of a small beam of light being shone into the gymnasium of the school late evening on the 8th April 2016. This beam was trained on three specific points of the wall below the window through which we believe the suspect made their entry. External CCTV footage shows a figure shining a torch through a hole in the exterior wall, once on tip toes, once standing normally and once on their knees. This footage is hazy and the suspect cannot be identified, or key height established, as a result.

Today, you are going to begin by looking at the initial case files, the suspects and some first experiments to gather some information. 

Here are the first experiments for you to test your knowledge. Read them carefully and report what you have found out. Do this by writing subheadings in your book for example: 

Challenge 1: Does light travel in straight lines? 

After I shone a torch on the wall, I found out that.....When I used a mirror, the light.....this shows that.... 

WALT: Explore our knowledge of light

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wednesday 24th February

 Good morning everyone! 

First of all, a message from Miss Carter 

Calling all Times Table Rock Stars...

It's competition time again! 

You are all enrolled in the Gloucestershire Rock Stars Championships and HA needs you!

Last time we came 12th out of all of the schools taking part - some of which are much bigger than ours! Your challenge this time is to make it into the top 10! How high can we get? It's all on you...

Check out the poster, log in to TTRS and play to win points for our school. 

I'm hoping that Class 6 will come top of the charts for HA! 

Here are your tasks for the day. 


Complete 2 more reading challenges on Reading Plus 


Complete this crossword using spellings from this set of words. I have included all the words that you have been learning from SET 2 (only weeks 5,6,7 and 8). The clues are synonyms of these words so use the list to help you complete the crossword!

English Task 

Today we are going to be looking at prepositional phrases. Prepositions tell you when or where something is. For example, after, before, under, over, beside etc. Remind yourselves using this video

Prepositional phrases tell you where or when something is with a little more detail. For example, after the rain, before the storm, under the table, next to the football. This PowerPoint gives you a bit more information. The last slide asks you to have a go at creating some prepositional phrases. Do 5 to practise. 

Your Task 

Now I would like you to write 1 or 2 stanzas for a poem using prepositional language. Think about what life has been like during lockdown. An example could look like this: 

We could not meet in houses 
We went to parks instead 
The whole world seemed brighter 
As we all got out of our own heads 

Amid the fear and the bad news 
Hope was found inside
We forgot about our computer games 
and remembered that outside the world was wide 

WALT: Use prepositional phrases in poetry 


Get going with 10 - 15 minutes of Times Tables Rock Stars

Today you are going to begin looking at the area of a triangle. 

Watch the video here

Here is your worksheet

Here are the answers

There are some further challenges here if you need them. 

WALT: Calculate the area of triangles 


This half term we are going to be looking at Healthy eating and making healthy meals. 

For our first lesson, we are going to recap what healthy eating looks like. 

Have a look at this PowerPoint to remind yourself of the different food groups and the food pyramid. 

Then have a look at this food plate which is another way of representing how much of each food group we should be eating every day. 

Then compete this sorting activity to put the foods in the correct group. This shows you about how much of each food group you should eat every day. 

Then complete your own food pyramid. Please write in full sentences to show your understanding of what makes a healthy diet. 

WALT: Understand what a healthy diet looks like


Here is a PE with Joe Wicks video for you to get your heart rate up! 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tuesday 23rd February

 Morning everyone! 

Here are your tasks for the day. 


Login to Reading plus and complete your vocabulary challenge and 1 reading task. 


Play on Spelling Shed for 15 minutes


Today we are going to continue to look at The Great Realisation. We are going to focus on figurative language. Begin by watching this video and then read this PowerPoint that explains about figurative language. These are things that you've looked at before including: simile, metaphor and personification. 

In the Great Realisation, there are great examples of metaphor. I would like for you to use this transcript of the poem and find all the metaphors you can. 

Now I would like for you to choose something about life before the pandemic and write a verse of poetry using figurative language about it. Here's my example:

The roaring of cars, the growls of drivers,
Patience was a distant dream of the past,
People were petrified of their miniature screens,
We were told that bullying would never last. 

Here I would like you to consider what I mean by the roaring of cars and the growling of drivers. 
What about being petrified of miniature screens? What kind of bullying am I talking about? 

See if you can write your own verse about before the pandemic. 

WALT: Use figurative language 


Here is your fluent in 5

Today we are going to be looking at area and perimeter.

Watch the video here 

Here is a worksheet for you 

Here are the answers

There are further challenges here if you need them 

WALT: Calculate perimeter and area


This half term we are going to be documentary makers! 

Today we are going to plan a documentary and begin writing a script! 

Begin by looking at this PowerPoint 

Then you need to think of a topic for your documentary. There are some ideas here

Next you need to write your script. There is a sheet here to organise your planning

Use this sheet to give you an idea of what it could look like.

WALT: Plan a documentary script


Here is a video from Mrs Gifford

Here is your vocab list.

Here is a worksheet

Here are the answers

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Monday 22nd February

 Hi everyone! 

I hope that you had a really relaxing half term break! 

I'm looking forward to catching up with you in our Zoom meeting this morning. 

Here are your tasks for today: 

Reading Task 

Complete 2 reading tasks on Reading Plus 

Spelling Task 

Here are your new spellings:


Look each one up in the dictionary and write the definition (use an online dictionary if you need to). 

English Task 

Today we are going to be looking at a poem that became quite popular during the first lockdown called 'The Great Realisation'. This is a fantastic poem that I enjoyed a lot. 

Watch a performance of it here

There is a copy of the poem for you to read here

We are going to be thinking about the structure of this poem - how it has been written. We are also going to look at the meaning of the poem and how it makes you feel. 

So I would like for you to consider and write responses to these questions. I'll be really interested to talk to you all about this poem so get ready to share your ideas! 

WALT: analyse a narrative poem 

Maths Task 

Here is your fluent in 5

We are going to begin looking at area, perimeter and volume.

Watch the video here

There is a worksheet here

Here are your answers

There are further challenges here if you need them

WALT: recap area 


Normally, we would carry on with Geography this half term. However, a lot of the half term is focused around visiting a local river....because we're in lockdown so we can't do that just now. So instead, we're going to look at our history topic! We are going to be looking at an important time in British history - World War 2. 

Today we are going to be looking at the outbreak of World War 2. 

Read the information on this PowerPoint. Listen to the recording of the then Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlian announcing to the country that we are at war. Consider the questions on the slide. 

Next, I would like for you to read this information about the early war. Using it, complete this timeline of the events of the early days of World War II. If you can't print the sheets off, draw a timeline in your book! 

Finally, using the information on the slides and in the reading, have a look at this map. Can you colour in the countries that were classed as the Allies and those classed as the Axis of Power? Who was neutral? 

WALT: Know the early events of World War II


We are going to continue thinking about Action or Pressure groups. Today, you are going to use your selected group from the last lesson (or you could choose a new one) and you are going to create a campaign pitch for them.

Here is a reminder of some of the groups you could work with

The government often offer grants (some money) to good causes. However, they can't give money to every good cause so this means that organisations have to pitch ideas to the government in order to 'win' the grant. This is what you are going to work on today - creating a pitch! 

I would like for you to  to research your chosen organisation or project and then explain, via your campaign, why your chosen organisation or project should be awarded the grant and what the money would be used to support.  

Your campaign bids could include:

  • Information about the organisation - it's 'mission' (key purpose)
  • Why it's an important cause
  • What help is needed (this might be money, or time - volunteers helping to do a job to improve something but without being paid)
  • Posters
  • Speeches (a ‘pitch’) or video ‘adverts’.
As it says, you could create a leaflet, posters, adverts, speeches that help persuade people to join your campaign. You are going to have to be really persuasive. 

WALT: Create a pitch for an action group campaign

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thursday 11th February

 Morning everyone! 

Here is an iSingPop assembly. The password is: spring

Here are your tasks for the day

Reading Task 

Login to Reading plus and complete your final reading challenge and then you should unlock the visual skills games so give those a go! 

Spelling Task

 Use your spellings and create rainbow words with them.


We are going to begin looking at another 'Message in 6 months time' This one is called 'certainty'

The written form of the poem is here

This is a poem about things that we can be certain of and things that might happen. This poem uses a lot of adverbs of possibility in it to send a message of hope in uncertain times. 

Recap what adverbs of possibility are here .

Then I would like for you to have a look at this page. Complete the tasks at the top of the page. 

I would like for you to think about your life in 6 months time. What can you be certain of? What might happen? 

Use this sheet and list some ideas that you can think of. 

For example: You can be certain that you'll be about to start secondary school!!! 

WALT: Revise adverbs of possibility 


Begin with some Times Tables Rockstars 

Then watch the video for today's lesson on Imperial units of measure. 

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

There are some further challenges here if you need them. 

WALT: Work with Imperial units of measure


This week we are going to be looking at inherited traits and how they can be passed from parent to offspring. 

Have a look at this PowerPoint

Then complete this sheet which looks at the advantages and disadvantages of adaptations and inherited traits - if you can't print the sheets off, draw the table out in your book. 

Then take a look at this selective breeding sheet. Can you match the parents to the offspring? 

WALT: Understand inherited traits 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Wednesday 10th February

 Morning everyone! 

Before we start...some exciting news from the PTA: 

Competition time!

The school PTA has this week launched a virtual pet show, just for a bit of fun over the half term holidays. Don't worry if you don't have a pet though, you can still take part!

The PTA are also very excited to announce that they have a celebrity head judge to help decide the overall 'best in show' - BBC Countryfile and Cotswold Farm Park's very own Adam Henson will be judging the final winner!

How to enter:

1. Take a look at the categories below and decide which one you would like to enter. Take a photo of your pet, or if you're entering the 'anything goes' category get creative with your pens/paint/play doh. You could take your camera out during your next walk and see what you can spot - a bird, creepy crawly, horse or maybe even your neighbour's cat?

2. Once you have a photo or drawing, ask a grown up to help you email it into the PTA at stating the category you're entering, name and class by Friday 19 February.

The categories are:
  • Dashing dogs.
  • Anything goes - a picture/photo of your favourite cuddly animal or an animal you see on your daily walks.
  • Cute cats.
  • Teacher's pets - just for school staff.
  • Super small animals.
You can only enter each pet once, BUT you can enter as many categories as you have pets.

PrizesVotes will be counted and category winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will win a rosette. Adam Henson will then select the overall 'best in show'. The winner and their pet will receive a special prize.

Questions? If you have any queries, please email the PTA at:

I can't wait to see the Class 6 entries! Remember to send them to the PTA! If you want to copy me in, that's cool too 😆

Which Teacher's pet will win the teacher's category? There's only one answer really 😀

My Cat 😭😭😭😂

Here are your tasks for the day: 


Login to Reading plus and complete 2 more reading challenges 

Spelling task 

Complete this worksheet using your spellings 


Today you are going to be looking at a different composition. This is called 'Message to myself in 6 months time' and it's by Laura Smyth. 

Watch it here

Watch it again and answer these questions

If you're not sure of the answers, you can always read the words here

The answers are here

This is another expression of feeling during lockdown. Laura is speaking to herself and sending herself a message. In it, she is reflecting on how she is feeling, what has happened and how she might view herself in 6 months time. 

I would like you to write yourself a message in 6 months. Reflect on how you're feeling about everything, what do you notice about how people are behaving? What would you tell yourself to enjoy when life (hopefully!) begins to return to 'normal'? 

WALT: Express our thoughts and feelings


Play times tables rock stars for 15 minutes 

Today you are going to be looking at comparing miles and kilometres. 

Begin by watching this video

Your worksheet is here

The answers are here

There are some further challenges here if you need them 

WALT: Compare miles and kilometres 


Today we are going to use the skills that we have been working on over the last few weeks to create a street scene using 2 point perspective. 

Here are some examples from years past. 

What can you come up with? 

Remember to begin with your horizon line and 2 points of perspective. 

Any details have to be drawn on in the correct way. Always start in the same place. I find it better to always begin where the building is biggest and draw the perspective lines towards the point where the building gets smaller. This way, everything stays in the same perspective. 


We'll finish off the half term with some relaxing Yoga. Enjoy, breathe, stretch, relax.

Although it says 'Yoga for teens' it also says it's good for any age! 

Safer Internet Day

 If the link I gave you doesn't get you to the show,  try this one:

There's a link on the right of the page!! 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Tuesday 9th February

Morning everyone! 

Here are your tasks for the day! 

Reading Task 

Login to Reading Plus. Complete your vocabulary task and when you have finished, 1 reading task. 

Spelling Task 

Play on Spelling Shed for 15 minutes. 

English Task 

Today we are going to look at a poem by Michael Rosen called 'These are the Hands' 

Begin by watching a performance by the poet here

When you have finished, there is a copy of the poem here

Michael Rosen was inspired to write this about our wonderful NHS. It is an expression of how he feels about this vital service and the people who work in it that do so much for us - and not just during a pandemic! It is an expression of his gratitude for a lifetime of benefiting from the care of those who work for our health service. 

Having read the poem, I would like for you to answer these questions which will get you thinking about 'These are the Hands' 

Once you have finished, I wonder if you can create some art work that might express the message in the poem? I'll be so interested to see what you come up with! 

WALT: Analyse a poem 

Maths Task 

Here is your fluent in 5 for the day

Watch this video about calculating with metric measures 

Here is your worksheet 

Here are the answers 

And here are some further challenges if you need them 

WALT: Calculate with metric measures 

Computing - Safer Internet day 

Today is Safer Internet Day! 

At 11 am, Tune into CBBC either on a device or on the TV

The webpage for Safer Internet Day is here

After the lesson is over, complete this worksheet

WALT: Remain safe online


Here is a video from Mrs Gifford

Here is the vocabulary list for today's lesson

Here is your worksheet

Here are the answers so that you can check when you are done. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Reading Plus


I've just had an alert on Reading Plus! 

Leni is the first person to win a level reward! Great job, Leni! Keep up the great work! 👌👍👏👏👏💥💥🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇

Book recommendation

 Hi everyone! 

Izzy has read the second book in the Land of Roar series - Return to Roar - and has made a book recommendation for us! See it below: 

Return to Roar


Return to Roar is an incredible story following on from The Land of Roar. It is a magical adventure involving brother and sister, Rose and Arthur. These two children are the people who have created the world “Roar”. This is an amazing story where Rose and Arthur’s relationship is put back in place. Crowky (their arch enemy) has hold of The Box. This is not just a normal cardboard box you see every day; it is a box that holds all of Rose and Arthur’s biggest fears. They fight to get it back but Crowky is too strong for them. Read the book to find out what happens to Rose and Arthur Trout, The Masters of Roar!

Monday 8th February

 Good morning everyone! 

I hope that you had a good weekend! 

Here is an Open the Book assembly for you all to watch.

Here are your tasks for the day: 

Reading Task 

Login to Reading Plus and Complete 2 reading tasks 

Spelling Task 

Here are your new spellings. Complete Look, cover, write, check. 

English Task 

To finish the half term, we are going to begin by looking at some poetry and reflecting on our time in lockdown. 

To begin with, we are going to look at some art work created during this time. This art work is an outpouring of emotion as people look to reflect on what is happening in the world. Some have really positive messages of thanks and some are observations about how we have changed and behaved during this time. 

Look at the pictures here

Select 2 of your favourite ones and answer these questions about them in your books. 

WALT: Analyse art work as an expression of feeling

Maths Task 

Here is your fluent in 5

This week we are working on converting units of measure 

Begin by watching this video

Here is a worksheet

Here are the answers 

Here are some further challenges if you need them

WALT: Convert metric measures 


This week we are going to be looking at how people control rivers using dams. 

When a dam is built, it is to control the flow of the river. This can be for a number of reasons. Have a look at this PowerPointt to begin with. Then watch this video which tells you about how dams create hydroelectricity. 

Now that you have thought about the reasons why dams are built, have a look at what happens when a dam is demolished in this video.

Now that you have seen the uses of the river and the power of the river, you are going to think about the positive and negative effects of building a dam. For this, you are going to need to think about the impact on the environment and people who live locally as well. 

Begin by choosing on of the dams in this fact file and read about them. 

Then I would like for you to complete this sheet to discuss the positives and negatives of building the dam. At the end, you need to decide whether you think building the dam was a good idea and why, giving reasons to justify your opinion. 

WALT: Understand the impact of dams 


Today we are going to be thinking about action or pressure groups. These groups of people work together in order to make a difference or change to something in the wider community or to change opinions and attitudes about a particular issue.

Here are some examples of pressure or action groups

I would like for you to select one of these groups and conduct some research on them, using the internet. Make notes of the following questions: 

  1. What is the aim of the group?  
  2. What is their ‘mission statement’? [a statement of their overall aim and values]
  3. What do they do?
  4. Who or what do they help or support?

WALT: research the purpose of action groups 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Friday 5th February

 Good morning everyone! 

I hope you've enjoyed wellbeing week this week! 

Wellbeing Task

Your final task today is to do something nice for somebody. This could be helping someone with some chores, making a cup of tea or a snack for somebody at home or just saying something nice to someone you think needs it. 

Don't forget to wear your scarf to the Zoom meeting! 

Reading task 

Today we are going back to free reading Friday. Get a snack and a nice drink, get under a blanket and read for 20 - 30 minutes. I hope that you're reading something good that you can recommend to the class! 

If you need some more inspiration for your reading Mrs Riegler shared this fantastic resource with me. It is a virtual library! Have a look and see if there is an audiobook that you would be interested in listening to and dive in! 

Happy reading! 


Get ready for a test! 

English Task 

Today I would like for you to write your next two paragraphs and the conclusion. Use the feedback that I have given you to help to continue to improve your writing. Also have a look at this example where you can see how I have added speech into my report. 

Check back with the success criteria and the features of report writing when you have finished and make sure that your report is as good as it can be before you send it in. 

WALT: Write a formal report 


Begin by using Times Tables Rockstars for 15 minute

Over the next few Fridays in maths, Miss Percival (who is working with Class 6 until Easter) will be looking at strategies for problem solving in Maths with you. 

To begin with, we are going to look at the different ways of beginning to think about a Maths problem. I'm going to speak to you about this PowerPoint in our Zoom meeting but it is here as a reminder for you. 

There is the problem pack here

Note down and share with us how you thought about these problems and which strategies you chose to help you. 

WALT: Use different strategies for problem solving 

From Miss Johnson

I hope you have all managed to think about 'Expressing Yourselves' this week in whatever way you can to highlight Children's Mental Health Week.

Here is my contribution:
I've been expressing myself in the performance arts, and in particular singing, since I was seven years old.  I now love to arrange and record songs for my adult singing groups - it gives me a great sense of enjoyment and satisfaction and I like to feel that other people are enjoying listening and singing as well.
This is my recent recording of 'Here Comes the Sun' originally by The Beatles - an uplifting song, especially at the moment!

Miss Johnson's Friday Gratefuls
Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.


Today you are going to be learning about the Christian charity - Christian Aid. 
Begin by watching this video which explains a little bit about Christian aid and their work. 

Then watch this video which is a version of the Good Samaritan story. This message of helping others, no matter who they are, is a key message in the Christian faith and a big part of the teachings of Jesus. 

Today you are going to research the work of Christian Aid. 

Use the Christian Aid website and research the answers to the following questions: 

- What is Christian Aid?

- Why do they help others?

- Tell me about one of their programmes

Make notes as you explore the website and then create a leaflet or booklet to tell people about Christian Aid and their work. 

WALT: Research Christian Aid

Music appreciation - listen to Harley and Bibi's music appreciation today and think about why you appreciate their choices. 

Here are the Youtube links (try to listen to it and not watch it!):


MUSIC - Express Yourself
Music can tap into your emotions and this is particularly true when composers write music for films.  It draws you into the emotion of what is happening in the film.

Watch this short video about how music can change the way we feel and express ourselves:

A journey through musical emotion

​Art and Music

Find a blank piece of paper (or two), a pencil and/or coloured pencils or pens.  Listen to this piece of music by Petrovich Mussorgsky called 'Night on a Bare Mountain'.  Whilst you're listening, draw how it makes you feel - these could be pictures or doodles.

Extension: Do you have any other pieces of music or songs that help you express particular emotions?  What are they?

We hope you've had fun expressing yourself this week.  If you're feeling a bit glum, it might help to listen to music, sing, draw, move, cook, computer code.... anything!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...