Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday 1st April

Good morning Class 6!

Here are your tasks for the day:

Today's Tasks

Hope you're all working hard and helping your parents out when you can.

After you've finished your work today, is there anything that you can do to help? Do the washing up? Tidy your room? Do the vacuuming? Do something nice 💪🙌🙌😇

Have a great day today! Nearly the Easter break!

Mr Hayden.


  1. Yes Please! Tidy his room!!! I have about 5 Lego injuries

    1. Hayden!! 🤦‍♂️ I hope you've tidied your room for your poor mum!

  2. Hi Mr. Hayden I am missing the whole class hope to see you all soon! BEAU


Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...