Friday, April 3, 2020

Upcycling Update

It's been great to see how hard you've all been working on your upcycling task! 

Here are some more of the photos that you have sent in: 

First up we have Daisy who has used a cheese grater and
re-purposed it  to become a utensil holder. Very creative! 
I like the handle so that it can be used anywhere around 
the kitchen!

Here is Poppy. Poppy turned some every day items around the house into a basketball game. What I love about this is that she has incorporated the bin into her design, making tidying up fun! I'm sure she and Harriet will now help to make sure everywhere is super tidy! 

Next is William. Here we can see him using old bicycle parts to make a key ring. This is such an imaginative use of spare parts! Great job, William! 

And the final example in the update is Grace who has taken an old t-shirt and mad it into a bag! Very stylish! 

Not only that but she made an amazing video of the process! She has shown brilliant design and making skills but also incredible computing skills too. Amazing work, Grace. Keep it up!
(The blog wouldn't allow me to upload it. I'll keep working on it!) 

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Friday 25th March

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