Thursday, April 30, 2020

Friday 1st May

Good afternoon Class 6! 

Sorry it's a bit later today. A video I recorded for you took over an hour to upload 😴.

What do you think of the Highwayman? I'd love to know your thoughts on it.

Here are your tasks for Friday: 

Friday 1st May

How is it May already!? SATs are only 2 weeks away 😱.....oh....wait 😂 Hands up if you want to do SATs week anyway?!?!? ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋ I'll warm the photocopier up 😜.

And, as promised, here are the first few chapters of Holes for you. Sorry parents, it's not quite Tom Hardy reading this story but I'm sure the kids won't mind 😆

Holes - Chapters 1 - 4

I'll try to get more chapters up over the weekend so keep watching 👀. 

I've had some more photos of your great work in this afternoon. I'll get them on here first thing Friday morning! See you then! 

Mr Hayden


  1. I really enjoyed the Highwayman even though it had a tragic end! I especially loved the description at the beginning.��

  2. I'm so glad, Lottie! You're right, very tragic but what an amazing story! Such vivid imagery and a heroic (if sad) ending for the Highwayman.

  3. I loved the Highwayman ,it's such brilliant story.I also loved the way they set the scenes, it felt as if I was there . This poem is definitely top of my list.


    1. So pleased to hear it, Chelsea! The description and the repetition really make the poem come alive. I hope you and your family are all okay!

  4. I didn't like the poem Mr Hayden, the ending made me cry.
    lets definitely not do sats week.

    1. Oh no! I'm sorry it made you cry, Taya...but...don't you think it's amazing that language and these made up characters can have such an effect on you!? That's the power of writing. To make it up to you for upsetting you, I'll not make you sit SATs....everyone else though....🤣

    2. Yay no SATS for me You're the best

  5. I think the Highwayman is different from other poems, and that is what makes it unique
    From Bianca

    1. Different in a good way Bianca? How do you feel about it?

    2. I found the poem a bit dark, and wasn't very keen on it because it's about the death of the two characters that loved each other. I wonder if the Highwayman's horse was OK though?
      From Bianca

    3. You're right, it is a bit dark. It's part of why I like it but I understand that not everyone will like that. That's interesting that you thought about the horse, Bianca. I've read The Highwayman a lot and never once did I consider the fate of the horse. Goes to show that everyone reads poetry slightly differently and that's what I love about it!


Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...