Thursday, January 14, 2021

Friday 15th January


Morning everyone! 


Today I would like for you to do some independent reading. Find somewhere comfortable, get a snack and a warm drink and enjoy reading for 20-30 minutes. 

Spelling Task 

Now try this crossword where you have clues to find the words from your most recent spelling lists. 

All of the clues are synonyms for words from the first set of spellings in this list so use it to help you! 

English Task 

Practise your word processing skills by typing up your story. This way you can really check your spelling and your grammar. 

WALT: Write a flashback memory


Today I would like for you to use Times Tables Rock Stars and play for 15 - 20 minutes. 

Today you are looking at Fraction, Decimal and Percentage equivalents. Watch the video really carefully and watch it again if you need to. 

Here is your video

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

Here are some further challenges if you need them. 

Miss Johnson's Friday Gratefuls

Write down 3 things that you are grateful for. 


Spring Term Big Question - How Do Christians Decide How To Live?; What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)

Look at the PowerPoint and follow the instructions to watch the parable (a story with a spiritual message) of 'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man'.

Then complete the comic strip task in the instructions. 


Music appreciation - Listen to Tom and Louie's choices and think about why you appreciate them. 

Louie has sent across his song which is Smoke on the Water.  

Tom's choice is Bad! by XXXTENTACION 

Watch and enjoy

BBC KS2 Music
Treasure Island 
Recap the song that you learnt last week - 'Skull and Crossbones'

Listen to/watch the story and learn the song,  'Jim's Blues'.

Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll catch up with you before the end of the day for reading time! 

Mr Hayden 

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Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...