Friday, January 29, 2021

Monday 1st February

 Good morning everyone! 

I hope that you had a good weekend! 

This week is mental health awareness week. Mr Staley has made this assembly for you

Here are your tasks for today: 


We are going to use Reading Plus again today. Today's task is to use the vocabulary section for 20 minutes. 

Click lessons at the top and then the Vocabulary option that you can see above. 

Spelling Task

Here are your spellings. Complete rainbow words using these spellings

English Task 

Remind yourself of the features of formal reports

Having looked at features of blog and report writing, today we are going to begin by analysing a more formal report. Start by looking at this example of a report. It is about cats and bird populations. 

You can see that there are subheadings for each paragraph. There is also a main point at the beginning of every paragraph. This main point is then expanded on with evidence and facts to back it up. Notice that there aren't any opinions in this report. It is all facts. Have a look again at the features of a report.  

Read the report and highlight all the different features that you can see. Pay close attention to the first sentences that introduce the paragraph and the sentences that follow which contain lots of facts, evidence and quotes from other people. 

Also notice the difference between the formal vocabulary of the report and the informal language of the person speaking. 

Practise writing a formal report paragraph with a strong opening sentence followed by further information to back up your main point. The topic of this paragraph is...Home learning. I will discuss with you on the Zoom meeting how this might look. 

Maths Task

Begin with your fluent in 5

Today we are going to be looking at solving simple one step equations using formula. 

Watch this video carefully. 

Then your worksheet is here 

The answers are here 

You have some further challenges here if you need them. 


Today you are going to be thinking about how people use waterways and the impact on the local environment. 

Follow the activities on this PowerPoint

Then there is a sheet here for you to use. 

You need to think about the effects that people can have on the river. For example: 

Fisherman: Positive effects - can control fish populations, can report any problems to the local council, as they are by the river bank, they can help people if they get in trouble on the river, they can keep an eye out for local crime, they might clear up any litter that they see. 

Negative effects - they may over fish and fish stocks will decline, they may drop litter and spoil the countryside, they may get in the way of other river users, discarded fishing line my endanger local birds

Long term effects - Fish stocks may be protected or decline, the local environment could continue to improve as fishermen/women report issues to the local council 


This week is mental health week. We are going to have a well being task for you to do every day but today we are going to focus on mental health and what is physical and what is mental health.

Although physical and mental health are different, for example breaking your leg (physical health) and feeling sad or worried (mental health), they are very closely related. 

Here is a good video that explains the link between physical and mental health. 

If we are feeling low, sad, stressed or angry about something, it can affect our physical health too. We might lose sleep, stop eating, lose weight or sweat more than usual. This is also true for our physical health! If we are feeling ill, say we have had a cold for more than a week, it can affect our mood, we can feel fed up, sad or angry. So you can see that physical and mental health are very closely related. 

I would like for you to think about signs of positive and negative mental health. Use these gingerbread people and write or draw signs of positive and negative health (both physical and mental). Do as much as you can in and around the gingerbread person.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Friday 29th January

 Morning everyone! 

Here are your tasks for today: 

Here is your Open the Book assembly


We are going to begin our work with Reading Plus today. Your first task is to complete 2 of the reading comprehension activities using these options: 

Click lessons at the top and then the reading option that you can see above. 

(We'll do comfy reading soon, I promise!!) 

Spelling Task 

It's time for a spelling test! No cheating!! 

English task

Today I would like for you to write another blog post for the Observation Project. Use the feedback that I have given you on your post from yesterday and see if you can improve it! 

WALT: Write an improved formal blog post


Begin with 15 minutes of Times Tables Rock Stars. 

Today you are going to be forming equations. 

Watch this video

Here is your worksheet

Here are the answers

There are some further challenges here. 

WALT: Form equations 

Miss Johnson's Friday Gratefuls

Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.

Spring Term Big Question - How Do Christians Decide How to Live?; What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)

Read the PowerPoint and think about the power of prayer.  Follow the instructions to write your own prayer.  Here a couple of borders that you might like to use.


Music appreciation - listen to Coxwell and Rueben's music appreciation today and think about why you appreciate their choices. 

BBC KS2 Music
Treasure Island 

Have a go at David Grant's Vocal Warm-up this week before you start your songs:
Recap the song that you learnt last week -   'A Little Bit of Rum'. Learn and sing the song.

Listen to/Watch the story in Episode 4, then learn the song, 'Ben Gunn'

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thursday 28th January

 Morning everyone! 

Here are your tasks for today: 


Before we begin working with Reading Plus more regularly I would like for you to complete these challenges: 

Read this extract and answer the questions 

The answers are here 

If you have time (and you probably will) there is another extract with some more questions here: 

And here are the answers


Get 10 pieces of paper and write each of your spellings on one piece. Put them into a hat or bowl and pick one at random. Look at it for 5 seconds, turn it over and try to spell it (no cheating!) you get a point if you get it right. Put it back in and mix the spellings up. See how many points you can get in 10 minutes!

English Task 

Today you are going to learn about something called The Mass Observation Project. This is a project that records how ordinary, everyday people live their lives. It is a record so that when we look back in the future, we can know what life was really like for people and how they felt about it. 

Begin by reading this information about the project. 

Here is the task that they set.

Your task over the next 2 days is to record blog posts for what has happened over the course of your days so that we can create an observation project for the class! This will be really interesting because at the moment, all of your days will be very different. 

This is going to be a record to look back on which means your readers in the future will not know who you are! Therefore, we have to make our work more formal in tone. When writing, I would like for you to consider how you are writing. You are reporting your day with no little asides (I know right, no asides like this? Nightmare) and you must choose more formal vocabulary when describing your day. 

Here is an example that I have done for you. Notice that I made some brief notes about the day and then turned it into a paragraph. Other things to mention are the number of conjunctions I have used to extend my sentences and explain parts of my day (highlighted in yellow). Also look at the variety of sentence starters that I have used (highlighted in green) 

Every time my day moves forward in time, I have begun a new paragraph. Think about this while you are writing. 

Your success criteria today are: 

  • I have used formal vocabulary 
  • I have used conjunctions to extend my sentences and explain more about my day 
  • I have used a variety of sentence starters 
  • I have used some passive sentences to make my writing sound more formal

WALT: Write a formal blog post 

Maths Task 

Begin with your fluent in 5

Okay, this is where algebra gets a bit tricky. Today you are going to be thinking about formulae. Formulae are used to describe a rule. For example, to work out the perimeter of a square, you multiply one of the sides by 4 (because the 4 sides are the same length. If perimeter = p and the length of a side = 4, we can express the formula like this: 

p = 4l         this means perimeter = length x 4 (remember when you put a letter and number next to                         each other, you multiply them.

If you were to use a formulae to work out the perimeter of a rectangle, you would have to work out what the 2 long sides + the 2 short sides are worth altogether.

If p = perimeter, long sides = l and short sides = s, the formula would be expressed like this: 

p = 2l + 2s  this means perimeter = Long side x 2 + short side x 2

Watch this video to find out more:

Then have a go at this worksheet

The answers are here 

Then have a go at these further challenges

WALT: Use formula 


Today we are going to be looking at evidence of evolution. We can see how animals and plants have changed and evolved over time. Begin by looking at this PowerPoint.

Recap the fossilisation process using the video on this website. Then use this sheet here. Put the stages of the process of evolution in order. Write them into your books. 

The video doesn't mention it so I will start you off. The fossilisation process begins with animals or plants dying and being covered by the sea. As sea levels change, fossils can be exposed through erosion. 

Then, when you have finished the PowerPoint, complete this sheet, looking at fern trees and the turbot. Look closely at the pictures to see how the tree and fish changed over the years. Think about why that might have been the case. Why do you think these changes occurred? What benefits have the changes made do you think? 

WALT: Examine fossils for evidence of evolution 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Wednesday 27th January

 Hi everyone! 

Here are your tasks for today. 

Reading Task 

I'll speak to you about reading in our Zoom meeting. 

Spelling Task 

Use this sheet. Complete the sentences using the spelling that you are given. If you are not sure how to use it, look it up in a dictionary. 

English Task 

Today you are going to complete the assessment task on Reading Plus. Make sure that you have your login details with you. 

Begin by watching the Introductory Video

There are some other short videos to watch here before you begin. 

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Then complete the assessment task - it should take between 30 - 45 minutes 

Maths Task 

Begin with your fluent in 5

Today you are going to be learning about substitution. Watch this video to find out more. 

Then have a go at this worksheet 

Check your answers when you are done

There are some further challenges if you need them 

WALT: Use substitution in algebra


Today you are going to begin learning about drawing using 2 point perspective. Carefully follow the slides on this PowerPoint to begin drawing building in perspective! 

Don't forget to send me what you come up with! Also remember to ensure that lines are parallel to make your building straight! 

WALT: Draw using 2 point perspective 


Complete this PE with Joe workout to raise your heart rate after a day of sitting at your desk. 

Then stretch and relax with this yoga video

Monday, January 25, 2021

Tuesday 2th January

 Good morning everyone! 

Here are your lessons for today: 


Nature's Most Deadly: Read pages 6 - 15. While you are reading, I would like for you to make notes on why it is dangerous to make notes about the positive and negative sides to safaris and zoos. Make a table in your book that has positives on one side and negatives on the other. 

Foolish Fears: Read pages 8 - 19. Which section did you find the most interesting? I would like for you to write a short presentation about that section. Make sure that you answer the following questions: What is the section about? Why did you find it interesting? What has it made you wonder? 

Spelling Task

Play spelling shed for 15 minutes. 

English task

Today we are going to be looking at Lizzie Greenwood: Antarctic Explorer. You can check out her Antarctic Diaries here.

Here is some information about Lizzie for you to read.    

Today we are going to look at one of Lizzie's diary entries. We are going to be focusing on the conjunctions she uses in her writing. First, I would like you to recap your knowledge of conjunctions using this PowerPoint

Now read this diary entry. I would like for you to note all the conjunctions that she has used in her work. 

Then complete this conjunctions worksheet. Remember, if you're not sure of one of the terms, look back the PowerPoint! 

The answers are here for you to check your understanding. 

Maths Task 

Begin with your fluent in 5

Today you are going to be working on forming expressions. 

First watch the video

Your worksheet is here

Here are the answers so that you can see how you've done! 

Here are some further challenges if you need them 


Today you are going to using spreadsheets to solve problems! Begin by looking at this PowerPoint which explains what you need to do. 

The instructions are here

If you need some further help, there are some more detailed instructions here

The spreadsheet is here


If you cannot access the spreadsheets on Excel, there is a different lesson for you here.

Oak Academy - Websites

This lesson is about reviewing websites and looking at the code involved in building a website. 

Start the lesson and watch the video which will tell you everything you need to do for reviewing websites and their content. 

There is a worksheet here to complete 

Note: The worksheet is accessible on the website and might be useful to look at so that you can click on links to make it easier to access. 


Here is an introductory video from Mrs Gifford

Here is a vocab sheet

Here is a worksheet

Here are the answers

Friday, January 22, 2021

Monday 25th January

 Morning everyone! 

I hope that you all had a restful weekend. 

Here are your Monday tasks. 


For the next few weeks, use the non-fiction text that you have not read yet. 

Nature's Most Deadly: Read to page 5. As you read, find and note down any rhetorical questions that the author uses. Why do you think authors do this? Write a short explanation of your ideas. 

Foolish Fears: Read to page 7. While you are reading, I would like for you to think about superstitions. On pages 6 and 7, there are lots of superstitions listed. Make a list of the ones you have heard of and the ones that you haven't. Are there any on the list that you do? Tell me about any other superstitions you know or you do yourself! 

Spelling Task

Here are your spellings. Complete the look, cover, write, check activity to practise the spellings. 

English Task

Today you are going to be reading some blog posts to analyse the language and features of blogs. Begin by reading the extracts I have given you. Then use the question sheet at the end to answer questions about what you have read. 

If you read with Mrs Homer on a Monday use these texts

If you read with me on a Monday use these texts

If you read with me any other time, use these texts. For these, don't answer question 3! 

WALT: Analyse blog posts 

Maths Task

Here is your fluent in 5 

Today you are going to build on the work from yesterday and you're going to be looking at 2 step rules. 

Start by watching this video

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

Her are some further challenges

WALT: Use two step rules 


Today you are going to be looking at erosion and deposition. This is how meanders are created in rivers. Have a look at this PowerPoint (The videos I mention below are in the PowerPoint too).

Begin by watching this video which explains erosion on the River Conwy 

Next watch this video which tells you how ox bow lakes are formed.

Then complete this sheet and show where the erosion and deposition are happening. Make sure you explain how and why erosion and deposition happen. Think about the speed of the water. 

WALT: Explore erosion and deposition 


Today you are going to be thinking about jobs and taxes.

To start with I would like for you to list all the jobs that you might usually do in school e.g. book monitor, door monitor etc. 

Then think about these questions:  

  • Are any of those jobs more important than any others? 
  • Are any of the jobs harder work than the others?
  • Do any of the jobs take more time than the others?
  • Do any of the jobs require some training or briefing before they are performed?
  • Do any of the jobs have greater responsibility than the others?
  • If they were paid jobs would it be easy to determine how much each job was paid?
  • Would it be fairer to pay each job the same? Why or why not?
  • Are all jobs paid for at the same rate in the ’real world’? Why not?
Next I would like for you to look at some jobs from the 'real world'. 
I would like you to think about how much each of these workers should be paid. Who should be paid more and why? 

Order these jobs by which you think is the highest paid to lowest paid. To help you, think about the following ideas: 

  • Qualifications and training
  • Experience
  • Skills required
  • Level of responsibility

Write a sentence about why you decided on which job is the highest paid and another about why you decided which should be the lowest paid.

As well as earning different rates of money, people also pay different amounts of money in tax according to how much they earn. There are two types of basic tax:

  1. PAYE – income tax which is paid according to how much a person earns
  2. VAT – a fixed tax on goods and services (currently 20%)
The reason people pay tax to the government is so that the government can pay for public services such as schools and teachers. 

Write a list of all the public services that you can think of. 

Some that you may have thought of include: 

  • Hospitals and health care
  • Education
  • Emergency services
  • Defence
  • Police
  • Libraries
  • Parks
  • Roads
Sometimes, the government doesn't have enough money to pay for all of the services and cuts need to be made. 

Choose one of the services that you think is the most important. Prepare a paragraph explaining why you think that public service SHOULD NOT have its funding cut. Give as many reasons as you can think of and make it persuasive. 

WALT: Think about jobs and taxes 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Friday 22nd January

 Morning everyone! 

Here are your tasks for today:

Here is a link to Open the Book

Reading Task 

It's that time of the week. Grab a hot drink, get comfortable under a blanket and read your own book for 20 - 30 minutes. 


We're going to do a spelling test so hide your spellings and get ready!! NO CHEATING!! 

English task 

Today you are going to be focusing on formal writing and changing informal writing to make it more formal. Have a look at this informal piece of writing about things that naughty dogs do

I have done an example for you where I have taken the first paragraph and changed it to make it more formal sounding. Notice how the author isn't speaking to the reader by saying 'you'. 

Your  task today is to take two of the other paragraphs and change them to make them sound more formal. You can choose any 2 you like. You don't have to write out the originals, just write out your improved versions. 

WALT: Edit text to make it formal in tone


Begin with 15 minutes of Times Tables Rock Stars 

Today, you are going to begin learning about algebra....don't be scared! You've been doing algebra for years, you just didn't realise it! Algebra is all about rules and values. 

For example, in fluent in 5 you might answer a question such as 40 + ____ = 50 

You know that you need to add 10. This is algebra! 

What if I said 40 + a = 50. What does a stand for?  Is there anything different? the answer still 10! So you've been using algebra for a long time. 

Watch this video with a further explanation 

Here is your worksheet

Here are the answers

Your further challenges are here

WALT: Use one step rules 

Miss Johnson's Friday Gratefuls
Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.

Spring Term Big Question - How Do Christians Decide How to Live?; What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)

Forgiveness and Restoration
Look very carefully at this painting from a very famous scene in the Bible.  Write about what you can see and what you think is going on, then read this excerpt from the Bible.  Did you recognise the story?

Jesus forgave Peter for what he did.  
Write 3 Tweets:
1.  From Peter to Jesus to let him know why he denied Jesus and what he really thinks of him. 
2. From Jesus to Peter forgiving him.
3. From one of the other disciples to either Peter or Jesus.

You can use this template or just write in your books. 


Music appreciation - listen to Thalia and Miss Johnson's music appreciation today and think about why you appreciate their choices. 

Here are the Youtube links (try to listen to it and not watch it!):

BBC KS2 Music
Treasure Island 
Recap the song that you learnt last week -   'Jim's Blues'.

Listen to/Watch the story in Episode 3, 'A Little Bit of Rum'.  Learn and sing the song.

Blog examples

 Hi everyone! 

Sorry about the maths link. 

For those of you who are doing your About Me writing today, here are the good examples we shared earlier. 

Here is Izzy's blog

Here is Louie's blog. 

Both are great examples of the chatty style with lots of information about themselves. 

You're all unique and really interesting children and I can't wait to read what you come up with later! 

Good luck! 

Mr Hayden

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thursday 21st January


Good morning everyone! 

Here is an iSingPop assembly the password is: spring 


Test your reading skills with this reading and questions that go with it reading and questions

When you have finished check the answers

Then, if you have time, have a go at these questions

The answers are here

Spelling Task 

Complete this sheet

English Task 

Today you are going to be looking at the active and passive voice when writing. 

Begin by reading this PowerPoint with the information about active and passive sentences. 

When you have finished, here is a task for you. If you want to practise, do task 1. If you want a challenge, do task 2. Then check your answers! 

Task 1

1 Answers

Task 2

2 Answers

Note: In task 2, sometimes it's not obvious who has completed the action so you may have to add a noun or pronoun. 

e.g. The letters were delivered on time. If you have to change this passive sentence into an active one, you may want to add a noun or pronoun - 

The postman delivered the letters on time. 

She delivered the letters on time. 

The girl delivered the letters on time. 

WALT: Use the active and passive voice 


Your fluent in 5 is here 

Today you are going to build on your knowledge of percentages. Today you are going to be finding missing values using your knowledge of percentages. 

Video link

Here is your worksheet

Here are the answers

There are some further challenges here if you need them 

WALT: Use percentages to calculate missing values


Today you are going to learn about Charles Darwin. Begin by  looking at this website with lots of great information. Watch the video and read the writing. 

Then have a look at this PowerPoint presentation. It tells you about Charles Darwin and his discoveries on the Galapagos Islands. You have to click on Darwin's face to get information about him so download the PowerPoint first.

Use this information to write a script for a TV show about Charles Darwin. 

To help you to plan your TV show, consider the following sections: 

Who was Charles Darwin? 

What is evolution and how did he think evolution happened? (Think about natural selection and how animals with the best characteristics survive). 

How did finches on the Galapagos islands prove evolution? 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Wednesday January 20th



Fear Machine - In Fear Machine, Ant overcomes his fears to help the team. Think of a time when you were scared of something but overcame it. Tell that story. 

Time Trip  - Choose one of the inventions in the story (some examples include the motorized boots, the hover board, the bag that can store anything but there are more). When you have selected one, I would like for you to write an advert for it. Remember to see of its amazing features and all the wonderful things it can do! 

Spelling Task 

Today I would like for you to create rainbow words using your spellings from yesterday

English Task 

Today you are going to be looking at an important part of a blog: The About Me section. This is important because it is a chance to get people to stop and read your blog. here is an example from author Jennifer Gray - and here is one by Julia Donaldson 

Your task today is to write an About Me section for a blog. Use this planning sheet to make some notes for your paragraphs. Then introduce yourself to your followers. Remember to keep it informal and chatty but give lots of detail about yourself. 

WALT: Write an introduction to a blog

Maths Task 

Your fluent in 5 is here

Today you are going to continue to work on calculating percentages of amounts. 

Watch the video here

Here is your worksheet

Here are your answers

There are some further challenges here

WALT: Calculate percentages of amounts 


Today you are going to continue using one point perspective to help you to draw objects and scenes in 3D. 

Follow this PowerPoint. If you follow carefully, slide by slide, you will create a bedroom scene. Remember to draw the perspective lines faintly so that you can rub them out easily afterwards. 

After the work you did last week, I can't wait to see what you come up with today!!

WALT: Draw using one point perspective 


Get yourself moving with this workout with Joe Wicks. 

Finish off with some flexibility and relaxation using this yoga video

Monday, January 18, 2021

Tuesday 19th January


Morning everyone! 


Fear Machine - Design a Missing Person's poster for Sam Knight - Include a short descriptive paragraph, describing not only what she looks like, but what she is like as a character. 

Time Trip - Write the letter from Cat to her family. Remember, she has to warn them against what is going to happen without giving away any key details like names or inventions or anything that might change the future. Good luck! 

Spelling task

Play on spelling shed for 15 minutes 

English task 

Today we are going to focus on some more features of informal writing. I have noticed that in some of your work, some of you are forgetting to use apostrophes. This lesson is going to be especially important for you! Begin by reading this PowerPoint about the use of apostrophes for contractions. 

Look at this post about this Mexican spider. Find words that have been contracted together. 

You can see where the words that have been contracted together have used an apostrophe to show where the missing letters are. There is a transcript of the document here. Highlight the words that have been contracted and think about which two words have been combined and which letters are missing. 

Now do the same for this extract about ice cream for dogs. Look for the words that have been contracted together and add the apostrophe where it's needed (there are 7 you need to find!) the answers are here

Next I would like for you to complete the tasks on this sheet. You can write them into your book or mark them on the sheet if you have a printer. 

WALT: Use apostrophes for contraction

Maths Task 

Here is your fluent in 5

Today you are going to be finding percentages of amounts. 

Begin by watching the video here

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

Here are some further challenges

WALT: Calculate percentages of amounts 


Today you are going to continue working with spreadsheets. Begin by reading  this PowerPoint presentation

Now you know how to calculate an average score, I would like you to use this spreadsheet and follow these instructions   for calculating the averages. 

Once you have completed the total and the average, complete the editing data section, adding 2 new pupils. Then have a go at the challenges! 

Remember that you have to download the spreadsheet to edit it and make it work

WALT: Calculate averages using percentages 


Mrs Gifford will introduce your lesson. 

Here is a video where Mrs Gifford explains today's lesson

Here is a Vocabulary List

Here are the lryics for the song

Friday, January 15, 2021

Monday 18th January

 Hi everyone, 

I hope that you had a good weekend! 

Here is a link to an Open the Book Assembly for you to watch 


Fear Machine - Read chapter 10. Do you think Miss Fortune has changed by the end of the story? Write a few sentences explaining why you think she has or hasn't. Try to find some evidence from the text. 

Time Trip - Read chapters 9 -12. Can you make a flow chart of all the places that Cat and Nekko visit throughout this adventure. Begin with the work Team X were doing on the volcano at the start of the story. 


Spelling Task 

Use your new list of spellings here

Use these spellings and make pyramid words. 

English Task 

The next unit we are going to work on is about Blogs and Reports. 

To begin with we are going to look at the differences between formal and informal writing. Read through this PowerPoint. Then, look at this informal writing checklist

Here are some reviews for films that you may have seen. I would like you to read these reviews with the informal check list next to you. 

Either on the sheets or in your books, make notes about the different texts and any informal features that you see. 

When you have finished with all of the text, I would like you to list them from least formal to most formal. Justify your choices with a short explanation. 

WALT: Analyse informal writing 

Maths Task

Your fluent is 5 is here

Today you are going to be working on ordering fractions, percentages and decimals  

Begin by watching this video

Your worksheet is here 

The answers are here

Here are some further challenges to test your thinking. 

WALT: Find fractions of amounts 


Today you are going to be looking at the features of a river. 

Begin by reading this this PowerPoint

Then complete this worksheet.

Here are some photos that you can look at of all the different parts of the river. Notice how the width of the channel changes along the journey from Source to mouth. 

WALT: Know the Features of a River


Today we're going to be thinking about what things are worth. Begin by thinking about the following questions: 

If you had £5, what would you buy? 

If you had £10, what would you buy? 

If you had £15, what would you buy? 

If you had £20, what would you buy? 

If you had £50, what would you buy? 

If you had £100, what would you buy? 

If you had £500, what would you buy? 

If you had £1000, what would you buy?

Next I would like you to think about these key questions: 

  1. If you saved five (or ten) pounds a week how long would it have taken you to save up for the item you said?
  2. Is it worth saving up for things sometimes?
  3. Is it easy or hard to save money? 
  4. Why/why not?
  5. Why are items valued at different prices? 

How do you think people decide the value of an item? Write down some ideas that you have. 

Some ideas might be as follows: 

  • How complex it is to produce it
  • How many people are involved in producing it - and how much they are paid
  • How much machinery, equipment is involved in producing it
  • The building where it’s made, including heating, lighting etc.
  • The materials it’s made of
  • How popular it is
  • How rare it is

I want you to imagine that you are raising money for a good cause. You have asked people to donate items for a sale. Use this sheet and decide how much you would price each item for. Write a sentence to say why you have decided on that price. 

Consider the following: 

  • What condition the item is in
  • How old it is
  • Whether it is still a popular item with children
  • How big it is
  • Whether it is in good working condition if mechanical in some way

When you have finished, imagine that you have £5. Which of the items from the list would you buy? 

WALT: Know what items are worth

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Friday 15th January


Morning everyone! 


Today I would like for you to do some independent reading. Find somewhere comfortable, get a snack and a warm drink and enjoy reading for 20-30 minutes. 

Spelling Task 

Now try this crossword where you have clues to find the words from your most recent spelling lists. 

All of the clues are synonyms for words from the first set of spellings in this list so use it to help you! 

English Task 

Practise your word processing skills by typing up your story. This way you can really check your spelling and your grammar. 

WALT: Write a flashback memory


Today I would like for you to use Times Tables Rock Stars and play for 15 - 20 minutes. 

Today you are looking at Fraction, Decimal and Percentage equivalents. Watch the video really carefully and watch it again if you need to. 

Here is your video

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

Here are some further challenges if you need them. 

Miss Johnson's Friday Gratefuls

Write down 3 things that you are grateful for. 


Spring Term Big Question - How Do Christians Decide How To Live?; What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)

Look at the PowerPoint and follow the instructions to watch the parable (a story with a spiritual message) of 'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man'.

Then complete the comic strip task in the instructions. 


Music appreciation - Listen to Tom and Louie's choices and think about why you appreciate them. 

Louie has sent across his song which is Smoke on the Water.  

Tom's choice is Bad! by XXXTENTACION 

Watch and enjoy

BBC KS2 Music
Treasure Island 
Recap the song that you learnt last week - 'Skull and Crossbones'

Listen to/watch the story and learn the song,  'Jim's Blues'.

Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll catch up with you before the end of the day for reading time! 

Mr Hayden 

Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...