Morning everyone!
Here are your tasks for today:
Before we begin working with Reading Plus more regularly I would like for you to complete these challenges:
Read this extract and answer the questions
The answers are here
If you have time (and you probably will) there is another extract with some more questions here:
And here are the answers
Get 10 pieces of paper and write each of your spellings on one piece. Put them into a hat or bowl and pick one at random. Look at it for 5 seconds, turn it over and try to spell it (no cheating!) you get a point if you get it right. Put it back in and mix the spellings up. See how many points you can get in 10 minutes!
English Task
Today you are going to learn about something called The Mass Observation Project. This is a project that records how ordinary, everyday people live their lives. It is a record so that when we look back in the future, we can know what life was really like for people and how they felt about it.
Begin by reading this information about the project.
Here is the task that they set.
Your task over the next 2 days is to record blog posts for what has happened over the course of your days so that we can create an observation project for the class! This will be really interesting because at the moment, all of your days will be very different.
This is going to be a record to look back on which means your readers in the future will not know who you are! Therefore, we have to make our work more formal in tone. When writing, I would like for you to consider how you are writing. You are reporting your day with no little asides (I know right, no asides like this? Nightmare) and you must choose more formal vocabulary when describing your day.
Here is an example that I have done for you. Notice that I made some brief notes about the day and then turned it into a paragraph. Other things to mention are the number of conjunctions I have used to extend my sentences and explain parts of my day (highlighted in yellow). Also look at the variety of sentence starters that I have used (highlighted in green)
Every time my day moves forward in time, I have begun a new paragraph. Think about this while you are writing.
Your success criteria today are:
- I have used formal vocabulary
- I have used conjunctions to extend my sentences and explain more about my day
- I have used a variety of sentence starters
- I have used some passive sentences to make my writing sound more formal
WALT: Write a formal blog post
Maths Task
Begin with your fluent in 5
Okay, this is where algebra gets a bit tricky. Today you are going to be thinking about formulae. Formulae are used to describe a rule. For example, to work out the perimeter of a square, you multiply one of the sides by 4 (because the 4 sides are the same length. If perimeter = p and the length of a side = 4, we can express the formula like this:
p = 4l this means perimeter = length x 4 (remember when you put a letter and number next to each other, you multiply them.
If you were to use a formulae to work out the perimeter of a rectangle, you would have to work out what the 2 long sides + the 2 short sides are worth altogether.
If p = perimeter, long sides = l and short sides = s, the formula would be expressed like this:
p = 2l + 2s this means perimeter = Long side x 2 + short side x 2
Watch this video to find out more:
Then have a go at this worksheet
The answers are here
Then have a go at these further challenges
WALT: Use formula
Today we are going to be looking at evidence of evolution. We can see how animals and plants have changed and evolved over time. Begin by looking at this PowerPoint.
Recap the fossilisation process using the video on this website. Then use this sheet here. Put the stages of the process of evolution in order. Write them into your books.
The video doesn't mention it so I will start you off. The fossilisation process begins with animals or plants dying and being covered by the sea. As sea levels change, fossils can be exposed through erosion.
Then, when you have finished the PowerPoint, complete this sheet, looking at fern trees and the turbot. Look closely at the pictures to see how the tree and fish changed over the years. Think about why that might have been the case. Why do you think these changes occurred? What benefits have the changes made do you think?
WALT: Examine fossils for evidence of evolution