Some of you have sent in some lovely responses to the Graffiti Art challenge. These pieces are so thoughtful and share some common themes. I see confusion, worry, darkness, concern, fear, questioning, shadows. I'm sure that this reflects how many of you are feeling right now. In fact, I'm sure it's the way many people are feeling in this moment. However, I want you all to know that this will end, we will return back to normal one day, perhaps not as soon as we would like, and it may be a slow process but we will. Grace's fantastic piece suggests there's no light at the end of the tunnel which is an understandable feeling, but there is. It's hard to see, and may be far away, but it is there.
After the pictures, I'm going to include a video that Freddie wanted me to share with you. Freddie found this video to be a really positive message and I agree with him. It discusses what life was like before lockdown, and how the world wasn't always a positive place. But then it looks at our current situation, the positives that we can take from it and how this strange and scary time can actually impact our lives for the better in the future. It may help you all see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Freddie's piece is encouraging us to, 'Wake up and Look Around'. The dark colours and use of red suggest there are some negative things happening in the world, but I wonder if there might be a positive message to be found here, too?
And here is Grace's thought provoking piece. I wonder if the girl is walking away from the tunnel because she has come out of it? Or because she is afraid to look into it? Lovely use of perspective drawing also for your building, Grace
And here is the video that Freddie recommended. It is called 'The Great Realisation' - watch with an adult in case you have any questions about the video
Remember, if you are worried or scared about anything, don't keep it to yourself. Share with somebody you trust so that they can help you. Talking is really important.
And finally, just to end on a really positive note, Miss Johnson has sent me a new picture of Murphy which might cheer us all up:
I really loved that video it makes you think about all the positives that could come out of this. But it also made me sad to think that maybe it has to take a virus to change all the bad things in the world. 😮