Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Polling Day Science Project

 Good morning all! 

I hope you're having a nice day at home! 

To cheer you up, because I know you'll all be missing school desperately, here is a fun science project for you to take part in! 

Watch the video here for an introduction. 

There is more information about the experiment on this sheet

What to do

You need to first create your rocket mouse. You are trying to find out how high different sized bottles can make your rocket mouse fly. 

Use this sheet to design your experiment. 

Here are some tips for you: 

Prediction: What do you think will happen? Why? Have you seen anything like this before? 

Variables: What will you change (this is only one thing!) 

Fair Test: What will you keep the same between experiments? 

Method: What steps are you going to take to conduct the experiment? 

Conclusion: What happened and why? Have you answered the question? Use scientific language to explain your results. 

Evaluation: What went well with your experiment and what would you do differently if you were to do it again? 

I want to see you recording your results like we would in class. So measure the height of the mouse as accurately as you can, record it in a table and then complete a graph of your results. 

Questions to think about: 

  • Can you direct the mouse to hit a target?
  • What can you do to make the mouse travel further or faster?
  • What is the heaviest mouse you can launch?

Try adding measured quantities of modelling clay inside the mouse’s nose cone and make a graph of weight and height/distance travelled.

If you have younger brothers or sisters, you can work together to complete this experiment. 

If you still have time and need something to do, you can use Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rock Stars and Reading Plus 

Have a great day! 

Mr Hayden

Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...