Good morning Jean!
I hope that you got on okay with the work yesterday?
Here are your tasks for the day:
Your arithmetic is here
Try A and B and see if you remember how to do the method for C.
Here are the answers
Today you are going to be looking at using a protractor.
The video is here
The worksheet is here
And here are the answers
If you don't have a protractor to do the work, then call the school and I will pop over and put one through your letter box!
Today you are going to be planning the story of the killing of the Jabberwocky.
There is a planning sheet here for you to use.
For each of the paragraphs, think about how you might include the language from the poem. For example: In the setting description, can you talk about the momeraths, the slithy toves and the borogoves? When your hero is adventuring, can you describe the tulgey woods and the tum tum tree?
Put as much detail in as you can. When you are finished, tell the story to someone at home so that you are ready to start writing on Wednesday.
Guided Reading
I would like for you to follow the instructions in the reading from yesterday to make a colour spinner. While you are making the spinner, I want you to think about how effective the instructions are. Did they give you all of the information that you needed? Is there anything that was unclear? Is there anything that you would have improved?
Tomorrow we are going to write a review of the instructions.
Key Skills
We are going to continue working on using apostrophes correctly today.
Use this picture as inspiration. Write 10 sentences that include apostrophes for possession or contraction.
For example:
The monster's claws raked the underpass, sending rubble cascading down over the boy.
"You mustn't take the shortcut under the underpass," his mother warned as he left.
Today we are going to be filming our documentaries in school. If you can, see if you can record some of your parts and send them across so that we can include them next week.
A scan of your script is here for you
Hope you have a great day today!
Mr Hayden
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