Thursday, March 4, 2021

Friday 5th March

 Good morning - last day of home learning! Woohoo! We can do this 💪👍👏

Here are your tasks for today. 

Reading Task 

Login to Reading Plus and complete any reading challenges you haven't completed yet this week. 

Spelling Task 

Get ready for a test! 

English Task 

Today you are going to take everything that you have learned about the features of suspense texts so far and put it into practise. 

I have written the beginning of a story here: 

Suddenly, the key turned in the lock. Albert turned round because he was feeling scared. He heard a noise outside and he saw a man move past the door. The man went past very quickly. Inside, the room was very dark. Albert wondered who the person was and what they were doing. 

It's not very good. I would like for you to re-write it for me. Use the ideas from my writing but add your own using the features that we have discussed: 

  • Using figurative language  
  • Use of ellipses 
  • Use of short, snappy sentences 
  • Use of the 5 senses in your description. 
I'm looking forward to what you can come up with! 

WALT: Improve a suspense text 

Maths Task 

You are going to continue working on Volume today. 

Here is your video

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

WALT: Calculate the volume of cuboids 


Today you have one of Miss Percival's problems to solve: Sealed Solution

Use the problem solving stages to help your thinking when solving this problem


First of all, think about evidence that supports Christian belief. Where do Christians find their evidence? 

Your first thought should have been the Bible! 

Read an extract from Luke's Gospel and compare this version of events to those we looked at last week. Are there any similarities or differences? 

Explain this happened a long time ago and people may have had different versions of the story or have interpreted the Bible differently.

Watch the following videos, exploring alternative views about the end of Jesus' life and the resurrection.


Create a mind map summarising the different beliefs/explanations for the resurrection.

As a final task, write a few sentences explain what they have found out about Jesus' resurrection and  note any questions you have

WALT: explore alternative ideas about the resurrection.



Music appreciation - listen to Lola and Millie W's music appreciation today and think about why you appreciate their choices. 

Here are the Youtube links (try to listen to it and not watch it!):

Millie W:

BBC KS2 Music
Treasure Island 

Recap the song that you learnt last week -   'Jimmy Be Good'. 

Listen to/Watch the story in Episode 6, then learn the song, 'Punto Nero'

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

World Book Day

 Good morning everyone! 

Happy World Book Day! I'm really looking forward to seeing you all in your costumes! 

Today we are going to have a day where we celebrate books, reading and writing. I'm going to put a list of activities here and you can do them in any order that you like. 

Sponsored Read

This for me will be the best part of the day - grab your book, get comfy and read for an hour!!! Add this time to your sponsored read form. 

I'll be looking for book recommendations when we get back for what we can spend the sponsored read money on. 

Be an Author for the Day 

Today we are going to be authors for the day! For this 'lesson' I am not going to tell you what to write or how to write it. It's up to you to be an author today! 

Begin by looking at this picture

To help you think about what to write, consider these questions: 

  • What can you see in this setting? Where do you think this is? How has Petur chosen and used colours to create a mood?
  • Who is the person hanging from the clock tower? How did he get there? Who is the person holding him? Are they allies or enemies? How do you know?
  • What are they doing here? Does anyone know that they’re there?
  • Why is there a drone in the foreground? Does it belong to those characters or someone else?
  • Is the time important?
  • What will happen next?
  • Write an adventure story using this image as inspiration. At which point in your story will you use this scene? Challenge: How could you effectively use it as an opening to a story? What about the end of a story? Can you end a story on a cliffhanger?

Now it's over to you! I'm going to choose y favourite story to be presented on the blog, in school and maybe even in the termly newsletter! 
I'm really looking forward to what you young authors come up with! 

Author on Demand 

There are a whole host of authors giving talks on this website. I was going to tell you who to watch...but then I thought that you might like to  choose for yourself! Pick someone you know to find out more about them or someone new to find out if you would like to try their books! Enjoy! 

Author Masterclass 

We are going to work with another author now. Here is a video by Derek Landy, author of 'Skullduggery Pleasant' 

Today we are going to be working on how to make characters feel real! 

Begin by reading the extract of the book and consider these questions: 

1. What do you learn about Adedayo on page 1? 

2. How would you describe Adedayo’s bond with his grandmother?

 3. What do you think is the significance of the ‘polished wooden box’?

Next conisder the following: 

Derek explains that when we write, the temptation is to create a character who we aspire to be. What we should aim to do instead is try to create a real person. This would result in a three-dimensional character. 

• Creating 3D characters means showing all of the different layers (good and bad!) of a character. Read the extract from the book where we are introduced to Adedayo for the first time. What layers of Adedayo’s character can you see already? 

• Create a Character Wall made of bricks to show Adedayo’s character so far. In the bricks at the top of the wall, you might include how Adedayo presents himself (i.e. his surface level traits). In the bricks below, you might include his deeper emotions, his fears and his motivations.

Here is a brick wall for you

Derek talks about giving characters emotional depth in order to make them feel more real. He suggests that a good starting point is to put in a little piece of yourself – how would you feel and react in the same situation? 

• Imagine that you, like Adedayo, have just realised that you are capable of magic. Consider how you would feel about this. How would you react? What would be your best thoughts and ideas, and what would be your worst? 

Write a paragraph about what you would do and how you would react...would you use or magic for good...or would you use it for ill?

BBC Live Lesson 

There is a BBC live lesson at 11.30 that you could watch and there are some worksheets on the website to work with if you would like to watch the live lesson. 

Video for the Racecourse and ITV

 Hi everyone! 

Here is the script for ITV and the Racecourse: 

Hi, I'm from Holy Apostles' Primary School. Just before the lockdown, we visited Cheltenham Racecourse with Racing To School, and learned all about the maths involved with racing! It’s sad that we can’t go to the Festival this year, but we're glad that the Racecourse is a part of our school community. We would like to wish all the horses and riders the best of luck.

Make sure that you wear your school uniform and send it n by tomorrow (Thursday 4th March) if you want to be in with a chance of starring in the video! 

Alfie's Wednesday Maths

 Sorry for the delay, Alfie! 

Here is your video

Here is the worksheet

Here are the answers

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Wednesday's Maths Challenges

If you have time, try your hand at these challenges for maths.

Wednesday 3rd March

 Good Morning Class 6! 

Half way through the week! 

Here are your tasks for the day: 

Reading Task 

Complete 2 more reading challenges on Reading Plus 

Spelling Task 

Use your spellings and create rainbow words.

English Task 

Today you are going to be thinking about the features of a suspense text. This this PowerPoint will give you all the information you need about: 

  • Metaphor and simile (or use of figurative language) 
  • Short, snappy sentences for effect
  • Using ellipses
  • Using sentences that appeal to the 5 senses
Work your way through the PowerPoint and make notes as you go. 

Your task is to use the features of a suspense text to write a paragraph about the picture.

Here is my example using all of the features above. 

The mist swirled mysteriously through the pitch black forest. The thin trees lined up in front of her like soldiers waiting to strike; their branches still as statues in the calm air of the night. The chill in the air set her shivering and she couldn't control her shaking as she crept nervously towards the hut. A sudden snap. A flutter of wings. Air rushed by her face. She ducked as something flew so close to her head she could feel the tips of its wings. A bird? A bat? Something else....The light from the hut ahead pierced the night like a dagger. She had nowhere else to go. It was there or....she didn't want to think about the alternative. She took a deep breath and continued towards the unknown inside the hut...

You can see that I have varied the sentences to build the suspense over the course of that paragraph. What can you do? 

WALT: Identify and use the features of suspense texts. 

Maths Task

Here is your fluent in 5 for today 

Today you are going to be looking at volume. Volume is capacity (which means) how much is contained in a 3D shape. Volume is measured in cm3 rather than cm2 for 2D shapes. 

There is a video to watch 

Here is the worksheet

The answers are answers

There are some further challenges if you need them. 

WALT: Use volume 

D&T Task 

Last week we looked at what makes up a healthy meal and a day's worth of healthy eating. You found out that most of the food you eat should be vegetables and carbohydrates with a bit of protein and even less fat and sugar. 

Today we are going to look at the nutritional value of the food we eat - or how good for us are the things that we eat. 

This is measured by the amount of fats (and saturated fats), sugars and salt are in our diet. The less of these things, the better the food! 

Go to the Change4life website to find out more about salt, fats and sugars. 

For each of the titles (salt, fat, saturated fat and sugar), I would like you to answer the following questions: 

  • Which foods contain a lot of....
  • How does....affect you? 
  • How much should you eat a day? 
  • What swaps could you make in your diet? 
Then go on to a food shopping website. Choose some of the items that you would usually eat like cereal or snacks and find out how healthy they are! look for the nutritional value label. 

Here is the label for the cereal that I am eating this week. 

I can see that per 100g this is quite a lot of sugar and fat! 

Each portion of cereal is 30g so maybe it's not as bad as it looks but it's still made me think carefully about what I have for breakfast in the future! 

See what you can come up with. 

WALT: Understand nutritional value


After looking at how much fat and sugar is in your favourite foods, here is a Joe Wicks work out for you to keep you in shape. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Alfie's Tuesday Maths


Hi Alfie, 

Here is your maths for the day: 

Today you are going to be looking at volume. Volume is capacity (which means) how much is contained in a 3D shape. Volume is measured in cm3 rather than cm2 for 2D shapes. 

There is a video to watch 

Here is the worksheet

The answers are answers

There are some further challenges if you need them.


Normally, we would carry on with Geography this half term. However, a lot of the half term is focused around visiting a local river....because we're in lockdown so we can't do that just now. So instead, we're going to look at our history topic! We are going to be looking at an important time in British history - World War 2. 

Today we are going to be looking at the outbreak of World War 2. 

Read the information on this PowerPoint. Listen to the recording of the then Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlian announcing to the country that we are at war. Consider the questions on the slide. 

Next, I would like for you to read this information about the early war. Using it, complete this timeline of the events of the early days of World War II. If you can't print the sheets off, draw a timeline in your book! 

Finally, using the information on the slides and in the reading, have a look at this map. Can you colour in the countries that were classed as the Allies and those classed as the Axis of Power? Who was neutral? 

WALT: Know the early events of World War II

Tuesday 2nd March

 Good morning everyone! 

Here are your tasks for the day: 


Play spelling Shed for 15 minutes

Reading Task 

Complete the vocabulary challenge and one more reading activity on Reading Plus. 

English Task 

We are going to continue looking at Suspense texts today. I have a new one for you called, 'Cogston Hall'. 

Begin by reading the text here

How did you feel about it? What are your initial thoughts? 

We are going to be looking at the features of Suspense texts. Follow this PowerPoint for the features. As you read it, underline the features that are identified and label what they are e.g. short sentence for effect. 

Having read this, you should know what the features of a suspense text are and we will be using these over the next week when we come to write our own suspense texts! 

WALT: Identify the features of suspense texts


It's your last chance for TTRS points! Get on and answer as many questions as you can! 

Today you are going to be looking at the area of parallelograms. 

Begin by watching this video

Your worksheet is here

Here are the answers

If you need some further challenges you can find them here. 

WALT: Calculate the area of parallelograms 


Now that you have an idea for your script, you are going to research some information for your documentary. 

Have a look at this PowerPoint

There is a sheet on reliable websites for you to look at here

Then follow the instructions on this sheet to conduct some research. 

Don't forget to say in your script where you got your information from as this is important to make sure that you don't get sued!!! 

WALT: Research key facts for your documentary 


Begin with this video from Mrs Gifford 

Here is the story of Cinderella

There is a vocab list here

Here is your worksheet

The answers are here

Alfie's Monday Maths

 Hi Alfie, 

Here is your Maths work for the day! 

Begin by watching this video

Your worksheet is here

Here are the answers

If you need some further challenges you can find them here. 

WALT: Calculate the area of parallelograms 

Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...