Thursday, March 24, 2022

Friday 25th March

 Good Morning, 

It's Friday!!

Here are your tasks for today: 

Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know that you know how to use them but the tests always try to catch you out with these questions. Look carefully at any sentences you have to correct and make sure that you have spotted all of the mistakes! 

Use pages 2 and 3 here

The answers are here 

Maths - Arithmetic - Use Times Tables Rock Stars for 10 minutes. 

WALT: Calculate angles 

The video is here

The worksheet is here 

The answers are here 

The challenge if you need it is here - do the deepest part 

The answers for the challenge are here

If you need more of a recap on angles on a straight line, watch this video

If you need more of a recap on angles around a point, watch this video


Ask somebody at home to give you a spelling test for this week's spellings. 

WALT: Improve a piece of suspense writing. 

When we began discussing suspense texts, I asked you to improve a piece of writing. Now that we have studied more of the language features of suspense writing, I wonder if you could improve this piece to see how much better you are at writing suspense: 

The girl entered the abandoned community centre. She could see all the broken equipment scattered across the hall. There were strange noises coming from up ahead. It was dark and cold. She could hear a monster up ahead. It was behind the door. She entered the next room and saw...

Remember to use: 

  • Figurative language - metaphor, simile and onomatopoeia. 
  • A feeling of cold and dark 
  • Hidden identity 
  • The 5 senses 
  • Short sentences for effect 
  • Ellipsis 
  • Rhetorical questions 
  • Sentence starters that begin with -ly, -ed, -ing words 
Once you have written your improved version, go back and highlight the features that you have used (like we do in class when we begin looking at example texts). I would like you to underline them, label them and say why you chose that feature. 

Guided Reading - Use Reading Plus for 30 minutes 


Miss Johnson would like you to do the following: 

You have been learning about movie soundtracks in Music this half term. She would like for you to research some movie soundtrack songs - you can pick epic style songs from films such as Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Jurassic Park, Indian Jones, Star Wars, E.T etc. 

Your task is to make a presentation about the songs that you have selected. 

Consider providing information on the following: 
  • The name of the song and the composer
  • The part of the film that it is used (if you know) 
  • The instruments used 
  • The feeling of the song (how is it intended to make the audience feel and how does it do that?) 
  • The tempo 
  • The impact of the song on the film. Is it used to show how a character might be feeling? To show that something exciting or dramatic is happening? 
You can choose how you create your presentation. You can do it on paper or using laptops or other technology. 

We hope that you have a lovely weekend! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Thursday 24th March

Good morning! 

I hope you got on well with the work yesterday. 

Here's what we're up to in school today: 

Morning task - Recap on Subject and Object - Read the introduction and answer the questions on pages 18 and 19. Here are the answers.

Maths - Arithmetic - Use the arithmequiz website . Today I would like for you to focus on questions 6, 14, 20 and 27. Have a go at these and practise any that you're not sure of. 

WALT: Know the relationship between turns and angles. 

Watch the video here

The worksheet is here 

The answers are here

If you need a further challenge, you can find it here - use the deepest sheet. 

The answers for the challenge are here


Use spelling shed for 15 minutes to practise your spellings 

WALT: Use -ly, -ed, -ing words for effective sentence starters. 

Today we are looking at the use of words that end in -ly, -ed, and -ing to help us to start sentences. 

Your first task is to list as many words as you can in a table like the one below: 

These kinds of words can be really effective for beginning sentences, especially when trying to create tension and suspense. 

Quietly, she crept towards the slightly open door. 
Terrified, she reached out a shaking hand to turn the handle. 
Breathing quickly, she closed her eyes.

Can you use some of your words to create a short paragraph like the one I have above to convey what a character is doing and how they are feeling? 

Now that you have practised those skills, can you apply it? Use your short story from yesterday. Can you improve it even further by adding sentences that begin with words that end in -ed, ly and -ing? 

Re-write the key paragraph that really builds suspense to now include these sentence starters. 

Guided Reading - Use Reading Plus for 30 minutes 


As with languages, it is really hard for you to take part in what we are doing in school. Also, many of you have been poorly so I thought some yoga might be a good way to gently exercise.


WALT: Learn about the history of Electricity 

Today we are going to be looking at the history of electricity and some of the important scientists that developed our understanding of electricity. 

Use the reading and questions here: Complete the 2 star reading and questions or, if you want a challenge (and most of you should!) use the 3 star questions. The answers are in the same document so no looking before you're finished!! 

Have a great day! 

Mr Hayden

Wednesday 23rd March 2022


Good morning,


I hope that you’re feeling okay today!

Here are the tasks that we are going to be completing today:

Arithmetic: Spend 10 minutes answering questions of your choosing on this


WALT: Measure with a protractor

We will be doing 2 things today in Maths – the first is measuring angles.

You can find the video here

The worksheet is here

The answers are here


Secondly, we will be drawing lines using a protractor

The video is here

The worksheet is here

The answers are here.


If you don’t have a protractor, ask someone to pop up to school and I can have one ready for you to use.



Spelling Task: Here are this week’s spellings: (updated - sorry the last lot were from last week!)











Complete pyramid words with them

WALT: Use sentence structure for effect.


We have discussed the use of short sentences for effect in suspense writing. The first thing that I would like you to do is re-read TheNightmare Man. Highlight the short sentences and have a think about the impact that they have. Why has the author used those sentences? How is the description of the character and atmosphere enhanced through the use of short sentences?

The next thing that I’d like you to do is have a look at the use of ellipses for effect.  

Now that you have seen how an author uses these devices, it’s your turn to try.

Use the picture here as inspiration – Can you write the scene before this picture as the boy goes under the bridge using the techniques that you have thought about?


Guided Reading – Use Reading Plus for 30 minutes.

Spanish Day!

Today is languages day in school. We are going to having a look at Spanish – It's really hard to give you exactly what we're doing in school because of the nature of languages. So in order to give you the closest thing to real life pracitse, here's a lesson from Oak Academy that is about introducing yourself.

Then there is a great website here. Can you make your own factfile about Spain? 

The rest of the afternoon will be spent in an assembly run by children from Dean Close.

I hope that you have a good day! 

Mr Hayden

Friday 25th March

 Good Morning,  It's Friday!! Here are your tasks for today:  Morning task - Revise the use of capital letters and full stops (I know th...